Attracting Business
Its rich natural and cultural resources make Penghu the ideal location for development of the tourist trade.Thus, the country government has cooperated with the Penghu national scenic management office in a promotion of the tourist trade, and has invested a great deal of energy to attract international and domestic investments, as to bolster local prosperity, and reduce the population outflow. Currently, there have already been international and domestic organizations that have invested money in the construction of a five star international tourist resort. This shall help hurry along the globalization of the Penghu tourist industry, and make Penghu an international landmark. In 2003, Yuan-Jian magazine conducted an investigation of business canvassing in all of the 23 counties in Taiwan. It turned out that Penghu was the only county that was able to increase employment, and was in the top three locations in the area of new factories and industry registration growth rates.Penghu is very ideal for developing an island tourism and recreation industry
The Penghu Aquarium
Stone Weir is one of the special humanities attractions in Penghu
Penghu Tour Website
Tourism development
Developing an island tourism and recreation industry calls for more than excelling the pace of infrastructure, but an integration of countywide resources from a variety of social organization in charge of recreational, arts, heritage and ecological tourism activities, but also the installation of a tourism Internet portal site, where tourism and travel information may be offered.Underwater snorkeling is just one of the ways of enjoying water sports
White sandy beaches are a favorite to all tourists
Penghu Marketing
In 2004, the county government erected the Tourism Bureau to plan and hold all large activities each year. With special local activities such as Seafood Festival, Swim across Penghu Bay, and Penghu Sailboard &Cobia Tourism Festival, the tourist bureau helps to motivate tourist trade developments, and liven up the tourist market in Penghu. In addition, in an effort to market Penghu, the tourist bureau has also participated in various international and foreign tourist expositions to help introduce and develop each of their products.Lilac season activity in Baisha
Penghu Firework Festival
Oyster Festival in Magong City
Participated Kaohsiung International Tourism Exhibition in 2006
Participated the 8th cross-strait economic & trade meeting in Fujhou city in 2006
Participated Taipei International Tourism Exhibition in 2006
Swim across Penghu Bay
Swim across Penghu Bay
Filming of a tourist video to help market Penghu
Exploring the marine and fishery resourcesTo culminate the marine fishery resources and reengineer the fishery environment, active efforts have beenmade to encourage the exploration of marine farming by dropping artificial reefs, marine specimen cultivationand discharge, boxed farming techniques and an emphasis on recreational fishery, combining the tourism development to showcase the County's industry potentials.
Recreational fishery -Paotun
Boxed fishing
Marine specimen cultivation and discharge
Abalone farming
Oyster farming
Boxed farming
Marketing and research in agricultural and fishery industry
In order to develop the characteristic industry in each village, the government counsels on the Plan ofone special product for one village , processed pickled cabbage from Magong city, processed mushroom tea bag from Husi Township, melon and fruit products from Baisha Township, peanut product with white membrane from Xiyu Township, processed preserved crenshaw melon from Wang-an Township and Flemingia lineata from Cimei Township. Finish the construction of fish product direct-marketing centers and Penghu water product processing plant, also, aggressively guide the agricultural and fishery product to improve packing and marketing to activate industrial transformation.