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Culture-Penghu County Govermment


How do I seek for relief from traffic penalty with which I disagree?
  • Date:2010-01-01
  • Unit:General Affairs Department,Penghu County Government
  • category:Police
  • Content:
  • A violator disagreeing with a penalty may submit a traffic violation statement to the punishment administering agency within 15 days after receiving notice of the traffic violation. A citizen who fails to comply with the penalty or submit a statement to the punishment administering agency before the deadline may be subject to a direct ruling by the penalty administrative agency. The violator disagreeing with the penalty administered may file a statement of disagreement with the competent district court within 20 days after receiving notice of the ruling. The court processing the said disagreement shall make the ruling at its discretion. The court’s ruling may be further appealed by the violator or the administrative agency. However, no further re-appeal to the ruling of the said appeal may be filed.
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